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LED vs Incandescent

Durability - in comparison research LED lights last over 4000 hours with no problem and incandescent start to burn out at 2000 hours or before.  LEDs can be rated up to 40,000 hours.  LED also performs better in rain and cold weather.

Energy Efficiency - You can see in the display below that LED bulbs consume much less energy.  For comparison, you can connect 80 LED strands end to end where you will only be able to connect 4 strands end to end of the incandescent bulbs.

Maintenance -  The new style bulbs do not have a sensitive filament that can break or burn out.  The exterior of the bulb is plastic instead of glass so they are very much less likely to break.  The bulbs we use are rated to last 10 years with typical use during the holiday season.

Energy Policy - Due to government regulations incandescent are being phased out and though we are a few years away from them being completely gone that is definitely where we are headed.

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